This is Jared, and he is officially the third face in this series dedicated to celebrating all the different people I’m lucky to know and call friends.
Jared and I met shortly after I moved to Indiana, and I’m honestly very thankful we did.
One of my closest friends in middle school, Jared made life in Indiana significantly better, as I know he did for many. His personality is electric and addictive, incredibly funny, and completely unique.
That personality is what has given him so much influence over his peers, and what makes him such a great leader.
He is a leader who always gets everyone involved, and wants anyone around to be in on the fun. He loves life, overflowing with an almost uncontrollable desire to make every moment a fun and memorable one, not only for himself but for the people around him as well.
And it does not matter the place.
Wether it’s a bus ride, walk in the hallway, or even a math class; he is full of life and cannot help himself from enjoying every moment of it.
All of that, plus many other qualities, makes Jared an amazing friend.
Jared, you were a friend to me at a time a needed one the most. You have been a blessing in my life. You’re an effortless leader, engaging, funny guy, and tremendous influencer. I’m stoked to see and hear about all the things you do at Auburn, and all the people you’re able to impact. It has been a gift to call you my friend for so long, and I wish you all the best in what I know will be a transformative chapter in you life. All the love for you man.